I hope that you had an enjoyable 4th of July holiday!
We are now entering the “dog days of summer” when families head out on vacation and activity slows down at many companies, but not at FIBA! Here is an update on just some of what is and has been taking place.
Conferences: We just wrapped up a successful CELAES Bank Security Conference on July 8-9 where experts discussed the benefits and risks of new technologies. Of particular note, was the live demonstration of techniques and tactics used by cyber criminals to exploit vulnerabilities and breach standard security procedures. Kudos to Guillermo Benites for taking the lead in coordinating our efforts and putting together a great agenda.
Committees: Yesterday, Terry Hughes and Ann Michelle Palecki of the Florida Office of Financial Regulation provided an informative presentation and responded to questions relating to concerns over HB989 at an event hosted by the Legal & Regulatory Affairs committee at Shutts & Bowen. We are very appreciative of the long-standing public/private partnership that we have enjoyed with the OFR for over 40 years and look forward to many more events in the future! We have several other important and timely events upcoming that you will not want to miss including a webinar with IRS-CI & FinCEN to discuss the latest news regarding alleged alliances between Chinese money launderers and Mexican cartels.
Academy: We continue to respond to the demand for Board trainings with two in June and two more scheduled for August. In-person AMLCA courses were hosted in June in El Salvador and Trinidad (thanks to Board members Wayne Shah and Candice Huggins!) with another upcoming in July in the Dominican Republic.
Stay tuned!
David Schwartz
CEO & President